Features |
Guest |
Free member |
VIP member |
May see in User Profile |
Prénom |
Nom de famille |
Anniversaire |
Genre |
Orientation |
Body type |
States/Province |
Interests |
Pays |
Ville |
Buts |
Statut actuel |
Taille |
Poids |
Enfants |
Couleur des cheveux |
Couleur des yeux |
Milieu ethnique |
Religion |
Fume |
Alcool |
Education |
Votre travail, secteur dactivité |
Vos loisirs |
A propos |
Photo |
Can see big photos in the slideshow |
No de téléphone |
Address |
Milieu ethnique souhaité |
Cherche |
Religion souhaitée |
Age souhaité |
Poids souhaité |
Taille souhaitée |
Seeking country |
Seeking marital status |
Seeking children |
Seeking hair color |
Seeking eyes color |
Seeking smoking |
Seeking drinking |
Seeking education |
Signe du Zodiac |
Votre site Internet |
Skype |
Date denregistrement |
Dernière visite |
User type |
Profile Views |
Who seen my profile |
Who seen another users profile |
Statistiques |
Popularité |
Large photo |
Sound |
Available actions |
Envoyer message |
Send ecard |
Can to use glitters in the ecard subject |
Can to use glitters in the ecard message |
Send a wink |
Can upload private photos |
Can see private photos |
Rate profile |
Vote |
View Results |
Dans ma chambre à coucher |
Profil douteux |
Add to banlist |
Using another email in Email to User page |
Can see visited profiles |
Can not be in rating |
Can see own comments? |
Can use filter by genders in online users page |
Can use filter by user type in online users page |
Can use filter by picture in online users page |
Can use filter by country in online users page |
Can use filter by city in online users page |
Can use filter by age in online users page |
Can view user profiles with the same gender |
Can contact users with the same gender |
Can not to verify image in the: "Envoyer message" |
Can not to verify image in the: "Comments" |
Can not to verify image in the: "Commentaires" |
Can to select access level for each photo |
Can to add link |
Can to link to the own profile |
Access to pages |
Senregistrer |
Commentaires |
Recherche rapide |
Recherche avancée |
Recherche approfondie |
Membres en ligne: |
Using Report Profiles page |
Using View Profile page |
Can to see articles |
Features |
Chat |
Options |
Matchmaker |
Subscription |
Statistiques |
Can create private notes |
Can to access Bulletin Board |
Can to add Bulletin Board messages |
Can to add Bulletin Board messages without admin checking |
BBCodes Access (Bulletin Board) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
Forum |
Forum |
Search by forum |
Can to see forum statistics |
Can to see last forum messages |
Can use forum options |
Can not to verify image in the: "Forum" |
Can have signature for forum |
Can to see "Users here" on the forum |
Can use avatar |
Can upload avatar |
BBCodes Access (Forum) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Forum: Signature) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Options |
Can prefer not to receive emails from website |
Can to get information about new messages without page reloading |
Can prefer not to receive winks |
Can set profile at the top of search results |
Can become the most popular |
Blog |
Can to have own blog |
Can to see other blogs |
Can to comment blogs |
Can not to verify image in the: "Blog comments" |
Can to see comments in the blogs |
Can to rate blogs |
Can to reply to comments for own blog |
BBCodes Access (Blogs) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Blog comments) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
Hot or Not |
Can to Rate photos from the user profile |
Can to Rate photos from "Hot or Not" random page |
Can to participate in the "Hot or Not" |
Can to see link to profile, when rate |
Can to access to "More Results" page of the Best photos |
Limitations |
How many photos may upload user |
15 |
30 |
Private photos |
5 |
7 |
Views |
5 |
10 |
How many search pages can user to see (0 - means unlimited) |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Allowable fields to search in the Simple Search |
Seeking a |
Pays |
Type de relation |
Orientation |
Body type |
Age |
Signe du Zodiac |
Identifiant ID# |
Prénom |
Nom de famille |
Ville |
Taille |
Poids |
Rechercher membres avec Photo |
Rechercher membres avec Online users only |
User type |
Inscrit |
Trier les résultats par |
Résultats par page |
Allowable fields to search in the Advanced Search |
Seeking a |
Pays |
Type de relation |
Orientation |
Body type |
Age |
Signe du Zodiac |
Identifiant ID# |
Prénom |
Nom de famille |
Keywords |
Ville |
Taille |
Poids |
Statut actuel |
Enfants |
Couleur des cheveux |
Couleur des yeux |
Milieu ethnique |
Religion |
Fume |
Alcool |
Education |
Known languages |
Rechercher membres avec ICQ |
Rechercher membres avec Skype |
Rechercher membres avec No de téléphone |
Rechercher membres avec Photo |
Rechercher membres avec Online users only |
User type |
Inscrit |
Trier les résultats par |
Résultats par page |
Interests |
States/Province |
Can see in search results |
Can see number of search results? |
Identifiant ID# |
Nom dutilisateur |
Prénom |
Nom de famille |
Age |
Votre genre |
Body type |
Orientation |
Type de relation |
Pays |
Ville |
Taille |
Poids |
Cherche |
Photo |
Signe du Zodiac |
Date denregistrement |
Dernière visite |
Popularité |
User type |
User online status |
BBCodes Access (Mon profil: Description) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Profile comments) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Envoyer message) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use IMG |
BBCodes Access (Private notes) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Can to use URL |
Can to use IMG |
Can to use VIDEO |
BBCodes Access (Testimonials) |
Can to use smiles |
Can to use Bold |
Can to use Italic |
Can to use Underline |
Can to use Strike |
Can to use QUOTES |
Payment membership privilegies |
Privileged users timelife (in month) |
0 |
1,2,5,10,30 |
Prices ($) |
0 |
1,2,5,8,22 |